Because of My Mouth

Because of My Mouth

Nchuyekeh is a vivacious and inquisitive adolescent girl who finds a freshly cut head on her way to the farm. Convinced that the head responded to her question, she abandons her original mission and resolves to report her peculiar encounter directly to the chief, despite her mother’s protests.

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Ceded at Dawn

Ceded at Dawn

Ceded at Dawn identifies and examines decolonization as the principal source of the smoldering tension that persisted between the two former United Nations Trust Territories in Cameroon which finally exploded into an armed conflict in 2017.

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Litany of a Foreign Wife

Litany of a Foreign Wife

Litany of a Foreign Wife, Nnane Ntube’s beautifully crafted debut collection of poetry projects images of a society marked by instability, feelings of homelessness, disorientation, oppression and neglect.

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