Copy Editing Services

You may have finished writing, but if you want your project to be the best it can be, you’re going to need another set of eyes—there’s really no way around it. While a willing friend can drive improvement and help you gain perspective, if they’re not experienced in the art of editing, errors will slip through the cracks. Even worse, they’re likely to introduce some of their own.

If you’ve spent any time trying to use grammar-checking software, you know that it’s not any better—computers simply don’t know what we’re trying to say, and we’re a long way off from software being able to tell us where and how to make improvements.

Put plainly, a professionally edited manuscript is a necessity if you want to be accepted by a publisher and—especially if you’re going the self-publishing route—if you want to avoid poor reviews on Amazon and elsewhere.

Any project of more than 3,000 words (about 12 pages) is eligible for a free sample edit before you pay a dime or make a commitment. When you send in your document for a free sample, we’ll look it over and assign your project to an editor who has experience with your genre and style. After providing you with a free sample of 1,000 words (about 4 pages), you’ll be able to review her/his changes to decide if it’s a good fit.

We do all of our editing using the Track Changes feature of Microsoft Word. This allows you to easily go through our changes to make sure you agree with them. We also leave comments in the margins to help explain our edits and to leave suggestions where we recommend making additional changes not covered in editing.

We guarantee a completion rate of about 14 business days for a project of about 60,000 words. Our rate begins at $.018 per word.