Mary Ngwebong Ngu

Mary Ngwebong Ngu is a veteran journalist, writer, and poet. She was a news anchor at Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV), and later Economic Correspondent as well as Special Correspondent at the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon. Holder of an MA in Information & Communication Sciences from the University of Yaounde, she has written numerous articles in local newspapers and foreign magazines. Mary was a Research Officer at the Prime Minister’s Office, and later, Second Councillor at the Embassy of Cameroun in Belgium. She is the author of Earth, Breath & Touch: Inspirational Poems for the Beloved (2001), Behold the College Girls, as well as My Foolishness Prevails (2021), a gripping account of how she overcame a personal life tragedy. In 1993, she became one of the “Young African Leaders “within the framework of the United States Information Service-sponsored program for training on “Pluralism and Democracy.”

Her second poetry book, Escape from Prison (2021), written during detention in the US catalogues her experiences from a prolonged period of separation from her family as well as displacement from her native community.

Books by Mary Ngwebong Ngu

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