Razinat T. Mohammed

Razinat T. Mohammed is an award-winning Nigerian author of A Love like a Woman’s and other Stories (2006). She writes about the sociocultural plight and challenges that bedevil impoverished northern Nigerian families, with particular emphasis on the challenges of womanhood, nationhood and the failure of both family and state. Her other published works include The Travails of a First Wife (2015), A New Lie, (2021) as well as a seminal article, “Female Representation in Nigerian Literature” published in the African Writer Magazine (2007). Razinat has been a guest writer for many literary platforms and held prestigious residencies including the El-Gouna Residency in Egypt, Guest Writer at Rutgers University and most recently, Resident Researcher at Augsburg University, Germany. She holds a doctoral degree in African Literature from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria where she later taught for over a decade before joining the University of Abuja in 2021.

Books by Razinat T. Mohammed

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