Cultivating Moral Citizenship

Cultivating Moral Citizenship

In Cultivating Moral Citizenship, ethnographer, Jude Fokwang unpacks the meanings, mechanisms and processes through which young people in an inner city of the West African nation of Cameroon respond to local and global challenges as they seek to position themselves as social adults.

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Renewing the Promise

Renewing the Promise

In this very riveting and well-researched essay, Julius Fondong ruminates on the continued relevance of the promises and principles that underpinned the creation of the post-colonial Cameroon nation-state, sixty years after unification in 1961.

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The Forest Must Scream

The Forest Must Scream

Under the misguided leadership of Chief Kamona, the people of Mballa village voraciously destroy their forests for fuelwood and money. However, most of the revenue goes to Kamona and his family. When the national government dispatches Functionary, a forestry agent, to caution them against the illegal and wanton destruction of their forests, Kamona and his people chase him away from their community.

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Mungaka Word Book

Mungaka Word Book

This picture book offers an opportunity for readers to increase their Mungaka vocabulary competency. Non-native speakers and early learners of the language will find it valuable in increasing their vocabulary competency, while native speakers will equally find herein, a vital opportunity to engage and familiarize themselves with the new standardized Mungaka alphabet.

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