Spears Books is proud to announce the publication of its 6th book in the Education for Sustainable Development in Africa (ESDA) book series: Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from Africa. All books in this series are open access and available 100% FREE on Google Books. Visit our website for further details on these titles and many other fine books on  sustainable development in Africa. These books are brought to you by a joint venture between the Japan Trust Fund and the African Development Bank.

Access all titles in Google Books by following the links below:

  1. Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development in Africa
  2. Tackling Sustainable Development in Africa and Asia: Perspectives from Next Generation Researchers
  3. Youth Entrepreneurship and Africa’s Sustainable Industrialization
  4. Sustainable Development in Africa: Case Studies
  5. Sustainable Development in Africa: Concepts and Methodological Approaches
  6. Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from Africa
ESDA Book Series

All 6 Titles published in the book Series

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